Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Weekly News!!

Wow, we have one week left! It has been such an amazing year. I wanted to thank all the families that have supported Room 106 this year, we could not have developed into the smarties that we are without your help!
Graduation is coming up soon, please mark your calendars. We are so excited to share our songs and poems with our families!
Also, please keep working hard this summer to encourage your child to read, write, count, practice numbers, and more! First grade will be a big change, the more preparation your child has, the better the transition will be for them.
Once again, thank you for such a great year!
Have a great

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

As we finish the year...we become First Graders!!

As we finish up our year in kindergarten, we are celebrating how much we have learned this year! Please review the following skills with your child so they are ready to showcase their growth in the end-of-year assessments.
*Identify letter name and sound for all upper and lower case letters.
*Blend three letter words.
*Write simple sentences.
*Read all sight words we have sent home this year, there are 68, please let me know if you need an extra sheet to practice from.
*Count to 100 by 10s and 1s.
*Count back from 10.
*Identify and write numbers 0-20.
*Write first and last name.
*Solve simple addition and subtraction problems.
*Compare numbers (identify largest and smallest)

Please practice these skills at home and contact me if you have any questions!

Thank you for such a great year, we cannot wait to show off at graduation! Have a wonderful week!!

Weekly News!

This week was filled with fun reading activities! We read with Mrs. Mooremiller’s third grade class, had a celebrity read aloud, got “caught” reading, completed reading challenges, and wore reading T’Shirts! It is really neat to see the kindergarteners reading along with third graders, they have really learned a lot about reading this year!
We had our DIBELS test on Tuesday. It has been a pleasure to see the results, as the classes have really worked push themselves to be outstanding readers. Keep up the great work!
Lastly, we need PM picnic volunteers. Please let me know if you can help out on June 3rd!

Have a great week!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Weekly News!

This week was packed with excitement. We began the week with a visit from Mr. Keith, a naturalist from Clermont County. He showed us animals and we learned about their habitats.
Tuesday and Wednesday we traveled to the Drake Planetarium and Lego Lab. It was great to learn more about space, see constellations, draw the phases of the moon, and view Earth as astronauts do! Both classes were on their best behavior and we had a blast.
Lastly, our butterflies hatched! We get to set them free and see how they fly off. It has been very interesting to watch them transform!

Reminder that graduation is coming soon! June 2nd will be the day, mark your calendars!
Have a great week!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Star Writers!

At the end of kindergarten, all students should be able to write at least one complete sentence. In first grade, they will work towards complete paragraph writing. Make sure your child is ready for first grade!

How to help your child to become a star writer…
-Remind your child that we always start writing with an uppercase/capital letter. Drawing a box around the first letter helps to refresh their memory.
-Remind your child that we always end our sentences with an ending mark. They can choose a period, exclamation mark, or question mark. Use circle to help them remember to add an ending mark.
-Always have your child reread their sentences out loud to you. This is the revision time to check for any mistakes or forgotten punctuation.