Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Learning our Letters and Sounds!

This week we have worked to learn the letters W, Z, C, and D. Please continue reading and writing those letters at home. We will be sending home the books and printing sheets daily to reinforce our learning.
Thanks for completing the homework at home! We must use the homework as an extra time to practice, practice, practice. You can keep the homework packet at home and just send the weekly sheet if you would like.
We are learning about environmental print. Please take a look and see if you have any empty cereal boxes at home. Please send the front covers to school. We will be highlighting our knowledge of letters and sounds while reading those covers. Also, we can create a book that we all can read from the cereal covers.
We completed our study on Kevin Henkes. We read the stories Owen and A Weekend with Wendell. We learned more about characters and predicted what might happen next. Ask your child about Peter Predictor and see if they can describe his job when we read stories in class.
We continued to work on numbers, matching, and sorting in math. Please practice sorting objects at home based on color, shape, size, texture, or any other fun classification.
Lastly, I am sending home name worksheets. Please practice these at your convenience, they will not be graded.

Monday, September 20, 2010

We are learning our letters!

Happy Monday! Last week we began learning and reviewing our letters of the alphabet. We began with A and moved on to E, H, K, M, and R. We will continue to explore letters and sounds throughout this month and next. It would be a great idea to read the little books we send home daily.

We have started an author study of Kevin Henkes. He has written several delightful children's books including: Chrysanthemum, Wemberly Worried, and Owen. Ask your child about the fun books we have been reading and what kinds of characters are in these books.

Lastly, in math, we have been reviewing our colors, creating graphs by surveying the class, and learning about our class calendar. Pictures are coming soon!

Have a great week!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

First Week of School

This week was so much fun! I got to meet all the new kindergarteners and play some fun games, sing songs, and read some stories. Also, I really enjoyed meeting my new students' families at Open House. it was great! Thanks to everyone who came out and visited the classroom. Please feel free to come and volunteer anytime or email me with any questions. It is going to be a great year!

Don't forget to check the class calendar for the color of the day and your assigned snack schedule. Have a great week!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New Classroom!

I am so excited to start the school year on Tuesday! I took a couple pictures of the classroom, please take a look and get ready to learn! Remember we are starting the year with a staggered start, our first whole class day is on Friday. I can't wait to meet you and see everyone at the Kindergarten Open House on Thursday September 9th. Have a great holiday weekend!