Sunday, January 23, 2011

Denise Fleming, an author and artist!

We have been reading and sharing books written and illustrated by Denise Fleming. We have enjoyed In the Tall, Tall Grass and In the Small, Small Pond. Fleming is an author who has won many awards for her children's books and she comes from Ohio! Her web site has activities, book titles, facts, and more about this amazing children's book author. Stop by a library or book store and check out some of her titles!

Winter DIBELS was a success!

I just wanted to let everyone know that we continue to work very hard in Room 106! I am very proud of the kindergarten classes, they truly have become readers! It is so exciting to see the students use what they know about letters and sounds to segment and blend words while reading and writing. Please keep up the great work and challenge your child to read often at home.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

We can count to 100!

We have been working hard to practice our counting skills. Here are a few simple ways to help your child count up to and past 100.

*Play a family counting game in the car or at the table where you each take turn saying one number as you count around the table up to 100.

*Give your child a number 1-50 and have them count-on from that number. For example, you would say "15" and they say "15, 16, 17, and 18." We have played this game in school, so they will be familiar with it.

*Use your fingers as you help your child count to 100. When you say 10, put up one finger, when you say 20 put up two fingers, and so on. Your child should help you count and remember what number comes after 29, 39, 49, 59, 69, 79, 89, and 99.