Saturday, March 19, 2011

Read Aloud Video

Hello to all my kindergarten families! I have put together a short example of a read aloud for you to enjoy. I thought that this might inspire you to borrow some of my tricks of the trade when reading with your child. I bet most of you do use many of these ideas already.

In class, we are working on building our thinking while we read. I do a lot of thinking out loud when I read and encourage the kiddos to do the same. Asking questions, making predictions about what might happen, making connections to my life and other books we have read in class, and commenting on the book out loud are fun ways to get more involved with books. Check out this video to get some ideas! Remember to have your child choose texts that they enjoy, rhyming books, books about kids their age, animal books, cars and truck books, and books about school usually are appealing to a six year old. Have fun with it!

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