Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving Fun!

We were sure busy this past week before the Thanksgiving holiday break. We learned about the first Thanksgiving, read stories, created Native American vests and head pieces, made pilgrims hats, worked to create our our turkeys, made butter, and had our own feast with cornbread! The slide show above shows many images from our week. We hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tips for Reading Aloud with your Child!

Here are some tips to help your child become a great reader!
*Ask your child questions throughout the book about characters, setting, events, and problems that might be happening in the book.
*Ask your child to think of a question too.
*Have your child predict what might happen next! Model this for your child if they cannot think of a next event.
*Have them close their eyes and make a picture in their mind when you read aloud. They get to be the illustrator too.
*Give your child a chance to hunt for letters, words, sounds, etc they might know when reading a book. Take turns reading the text together.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

My First Slide Show!

I figured out how to create a slide show! I added some pictures mostly from Red Ribbon Week to the blog. I will put more pictures up soon, I will be adding more PM kiddos to the pictures as well. I hope you enjoy. Have a great weekend!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Here are some tips to help your child become a great writer!

*Please encourage your child to write frequently at home. They can copy from environmental print, books, magazines, or notes/calendars/recipes you might have written.
*Get a clipboard or white board at home to make writing more fun!
*Have your child make labels for items in your house or make lists of things they see, do, like, enjoy, food, toys, movies, books, etc…
*When your child draws a picture ask them to either label or narrate the picture by writing one or two words describing the picture.
*You can dictate stories your child tells you and read it back to them. They will be the author! Have them draw a picture to continue the

Happy Election Day/Halloween

This week we did not have school due to Election day on Tuesday, we hope you had a wonderful day off!
Last week, we practiced both a fire drill and a tornado drill. We are learning our school procedures nicely. I am so proud of Room 106 because every time they are asked to follow directions and do their best, they sure do! Both A.M. and P.M. classes are sure great!
Also, we worked on the letter Aa. Please continue the homework and practice both the long and the short Aa sounds, reinforce that it is a vowel and a special letter with those two sounds.
In our reading groups, we read stories about Spiders and Roosters. We practiced tracking print (using our fingers to follow along when we read), blending sounds, and we now know three sight words (I, the, see). It would be helpful to make flash cards at home to practice reading and spelling these words.
In math, we worked on writing and recognizing the numbers 0-10. We read color words and played The Mystery Number Game. Please practice this at home by choosing a number between 0-10 or 0-20. Give your child clues by saying it is higher/lower than other numbers. If you use a number line it makes it easier and more fun!