Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Election Day/Halloween

This week we did not have school due to Election day on Tuesday, we hope you had a wonderful day off!
Last week, we practiced both a fire drill and a tornado drill. We are learning our school procedures nicely. I am so proud of Room 106 because every time they are asked to follow directions and do their best, they sure do! Both A.M. and P.M. classes are sure great!
Also, we worked on the letter Aa. Please continue the homework and practice both the long and the short Aa sounds, reinforce that it is a vowel and a special letter with those two sounds.
In our reading groups, we read stories about Spiders and Roosters. We practiced tracking print (using our fingers to follow along when we read), blending sounds, and we now know three sight words (I, the, see). It would be helpful to make flash cards at home to practice reading and spelling these words.
In math, we worked on writing and recognizing the numbers 0-10. We read color words and played The Mystery Number Game. Please practice this at home by choosing a number between 0-10 or 0-20. Give your child clues by saying it is higher/lower than other numbers. If you use a number line it makes it easier and more fun!

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