Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Fun math games to play at home!

*Dice is a wonderful way to practice addition. Have your child roll two dice and then add the total by counting on. This is when they say the larger number and count up from it. For example,if you have a three and a four. You would say four and count up five, six, seven.
*You can use dice to compare how many more or less you might have than your friend. With each friend using one, roll and see who wins (with the most dots) and by how much!
*Play the card game War with your child. You can change it so sometimes the higher card wins and sometimes the lower card wins. It is great to compare numbers and you can even see how many they make together or what the difference is.
*Kindergarten Yahtzee! See if your child can roll the sum of all number 2-12 with two dice. When they do, they can yell Yahtzee!