Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Weekly News!

Don’t forget, Tuesday May 3rd is the Levy Vote.
We are hoping for some sunshine in Room 106. This rain has been keeping us inside for our recess time!
I hope you enjoyed your Spring Break and Easter. We shared our experiences and I heard about Disney trips, beach trips, family gatherings, movie outings, and more. Sounds like we had a great time away from school.
We began a countdown this week, did you know that we only have 27 more days until your kindergartener will be a first grader? Time sure flies right by! It has been a really outstanding year.
This week our caterpillars created their chrysalis, we cannot wait until they hatch out and show us their transformation! Also, we are getting ready for our field trip next week. It will be neat to experience outer space at the planetarium! Don’t forget your child needs to bring a sack lunch that day.
Have a great week!

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