Tuesday, October 26, 2010

First Sound Fluency is Essential!

First sound fluency is a skill that is essential to master in kindergarten. Please practice these games at home to ensure that your child will be successful!
*Pick any word and say it slowly, have your child tell you the first sound. For example, “cat”, the first sound is “c”.
*Use a magazine or book to find pictures and have your child name what they can find in the picture. Then have them tell you the first sound of that word.
*Say a family members name, then have your child repeat the name and state the first sound.
*Once your child masters this first sound, move onto the ending sound. It is important to say the word slowly so they can hear all the words. Have them practice saying words slowly as well. This helps with spelling, writing, and reading skills!

We are drug free! Celebrating Red Ribbon Week!

This week is Red Ribbon Week. We have a spirit week to celebrate being and staying drug free. The special days are listed below:
Monday 10-25:Put a Cap on Drugs
Tuesday: 10-26:Sock it to Drugs
Wednesday 10-27: Wear Red for Red Ribbon Week Thursday 10-28:Team Up against Drugs (Wear fav. team shirt)
Friday 10-29:  Wear Red, White and Blue
Also, we have begun our small reading groups this week. This is where we spend thirty minutes in groups of 7-9 students practicing reading skills and strategies. We are working on letter and sound identification, blending and segmenting words (pushing sounds together and pulling words apart to hear all the sounds), and reading decodable text together. This is great because we have two reading aids come and help us give more individual instruction to your child!
Please keep practicing at home!
Please have a very happy and safe Halloween this weekend! If you take any great pictures of your child in costume, please send them in to share! We love to learn about our friends in Room 106.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

It was so much fun on at the Fall Festival on Friday night. I worked at the Duck Pond and saw many families having a blast together! I’m glad so many families came, I heard the PTA raised a bunch of money for the school. That is awesome!
This week we finished our introduction of the letters and sounds in the alphabet. Please review these with your child anytime you see words or letters together, make a quick game of ‘name that letter and sound’. Challenge them to name more letters than the last game so they can boost their fluency.
In math, we are working on patterns and graphing. Also, we are practicing our number writing and identification. We are counting everything we see to practice our one-to-one correspondence. We are even counting backwards!
The Book Fair is this week. Our class will visit the fair on Thursday. Please bring in money to purchase books either in the Tuesday folder or on Thursday morning,
Next week is Red Ribbon Week. We will have a spirit week to celebrate. The special days are listed below:
Monday 10-25:Put a Cap on Drugs
Tuesday: 10-26:Sock it to Drugs
Wednesday 10-27: Wear Red for Red Ribbon Week Thursday 10-28:Team Up against Drugs (Wear fav. team shirt)
Friday 10-29:  Wear Red, White and Blue

Have a great week!

Monday, October 4, 2010

The air is getting crisp, we know that Autumn has arrived!

Happy Fall! We have been busy learning about the four seasons, focusing primarily on Autumn. We have discussed Autumn photos and slide shows, read books, created patterns, sorted leaves, and shared our knowledge of Fall. It has been a great week. Please continue the discussion at home, visit an apple orchard or pumpkin patch, rake leaves, and have some Fall family fun. Have your child bring in mementos or stories of these Fall adventures as we love to hear about it all.
In math, we continue learning numbers and exploring math centers. We have been comparing, subitizing, patterning, and ordering objects by size. These are all activities that can be extended at home.
We continue to explore and conquer the letters in our alphabet. This week we focused on L, J, N, P, and T. Please follow-up with your child and ask them to write and read these letters at home. We are using the cereal box covers as examples of environmental print. Please practice “reading” at home, by finding letters and sounds. This may not be what you might think of as traditional reading, but playing with print is a great pre-reading skill that all children need to develop. Keep up the great work!
Have a wonderful week!