Monday, October 4, 2010

The air is getting crisp, we know that Autumn has arrived!

Happy Fall! We have been busy learning about the four seasons, focusing primarily on Autumn. We have discussed Autumn photos and slide shows, read books, created patterns, sorted leaves, and shared our knowledge of Fall. It has been a great week. Please continue the discussion at home, visit an apple orchard or pumpkin patch, rake leaves, and have some Fall family fun. Have your child bring in mementos or stories of these Fall adventures as we love to hear about it all.
In math, we continue learning numbers and exploring math centers. We have been comparing, subitizing, patterning, and ordering objects by size. These are all activities that can be extended at home.
We continue to explore and conquer the letters in our alphabet. This week we focused on L, J, N, P, and T. Please follow-up with your child and ask them to write and read these letters at home. We are using the cereal box covers as examples of environmental print. Please practice “reading” at home, by finding letters and sounds. This may not be what you might think of as traditional reading, but playing with print is a great pre-reading skill that all children need to develop. Keep up the great work!
Have a wonderful week!

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