Tuesday, October 26, 2010

We are drug free! Celebrating Red Ribbon Week!

This week is Red Ribbon Week. We have a spirit week to celebrate being and staying drug free. The special days are listed below:
Monday 10-25:Put a Cap on Drugs
Tuesday: 10-26:Sock it to Drugs
Wednesday 10-27: Wear Red for Red Ribbon Week Thursday 10-28:Team Up against Drugs (Wear fav. team shirt)
Friday 10-29:  Wear Red, White and Blue
Also, we have begun our small reading groups this week. This is where we spend thirty minutes in groups of 7-9 students practicing reading skills and strategies. We are working on letter and sound identification, blending and segmenting words (pushing sounds together and pulling words apart to hear all the sounds), and reading decodable text together. This is great because we have two reading aids come and help us give more individual instruction to your child!
Please keep practicing at home!
Please have a very happy and safe Halloween this weekend! If you take any great pictures of your child in costume, please send them in to share! We love to learn about our friends in Room 106.

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